Sunday, April 11, 2010

Swimming Under the Stars

Swimming Under the Stars

We have been doing a lot of swimming .....even at night under the stars !

So lovely ...looking up at the stars, while the palm trees sway in the breeze...we feel so fortunate to be able to spend time here enjoying the beauty and relaxation.

Winter in Florida

Wow....It has been awhile since I posted to my blog!

We have spent the past few months in Florida - the weather was cooler than usual here but it has warmed up to seasonal temperatures recently.

Despite the cooler temps we have really enjoyed our winter!

Our condo is lovely and very comfortable.

We back onto a canal which provides us with a source of constantly changing wildlife viewing ... birds, fish, turtles and yes ...even alligators!

One 'gator has decided our lawn is a perfect place to sun himself...he vists frequently and this week we actually saw him catch a fish and chomp it down!

Exciting...when viewed from the safety of our lanai!